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Choosing an SEO Pricing Model that Works for Your Business

If you have spent any amount of time looking at SEO companies on Google, you have probably noticed that most of them will not mention the price of an SEO campaign. As a business who is looking to get a rough idea of search engine optimisation pricing, it probably frustrates you to know and that no one is willing to reveal the cost of an SEO campaign on their website. The truth is, however, search engine optimisation prices vary radically based on a number of very specific factors.

According to the most recent data available from, search marketing consultants charge anywhere from $25 an hour to a couple of thousand dollars per hour. With a wide variety of prices on offer, he can be difficult to know who to work with and how much your SEO campaign should cost. So, let's take a closer look at different pricing models that are used by SEO companies to determine your billing structure and SEO cost.

Pay for Performance SEO

As the name would suggest, pay for performance SEO features are dynamic price structure that is determined by the results gained from the SEO company. While it can seem like an appealing pricing structure for those who want guaranteed results, the downside of pay for performance SEO is that these companies will often take a short-term approach to your website. That means that a lot of the strategies and tactics that are being used on your website are not designed for a sustainable level of growth, rather, they are designed to deliver an immediate impact with little regard for how it will affect your website for years to come.

Project SEO

Project SEO campaigns that involve a one-off payment to the company. Usually, these are reserved for onsite SEO campaigns where changes are made to the on-page content, data, and overall technical website structure.

Retainer Model

The SCR retainer model is the most popular form of SEO agreement between a client and an agency. Monthly retainers popular because SEO takes an ongoing commitment over a period of months or even years. the retainer model gives freedom to the client and to the agency to determine how long the agreement should last. Be wary of agencies who want to lock your business into a fixed-term contract.

Hourly SEO

SEO by the hour is one way to ensure that your search engine optimisation cost you not get out of hand. In this model, the consultant and the business will negotiate a rate that is accepted before work is commenced. Depending on how many hours are work, you can accurately estimate what the total bill will look like.


Before you start working with a Sydney SEO company, it's important to consider what sort of financial commitment you want to make. The amount of money that you can commit to search engine optimisation each month should dictate the most appropriate pricing model and the business that you work with.

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