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3 Questions to Ask an SEO Agency Before Working with Them

Updated: Dec 27, 2019

If your website doesn't show up on the first page of Google, Yahoo, or being, your potential clients might not even know that you exist. Search engine visibility is critical in 2019 and is the best way to improve the reach of your business.

I don't know where to start when it comes to search engine rankings? If that's the case, it might make sense to work with an experienced and reliable SEO company who know how to get results. In 2019 there are more SEO companies then you can poke a stick it. Here are 3 important questions that you need to ask when considering a prospective SEO Sydney Consultant for your business.

Can I have a list of your past and present clients?

It may seem intrusive, however, and reputable SEO company should be able to provide you with a brief list of past and current clients that they have worked with. These references will help you to gauge how effective that SEO agency is, as well as verify the claims that are made by the SEO company. Clients may not wish to provide specific data to you, however, they should be able to at least tell you whether they saw a positive impact on their website after working with the SEO company.

How do you plan on improving my search rankings?

Avoid companies who don't want to discuss their search engine optimisation methods with you. Any reputable SEO company should be able to explain their strategies to you in layman's terms. Whether you are a marketer with SEO experience or a business owner who is looking for help, the SEO company that you work with should be able to explain each step of the process to you in terms that you understand.

Can you guarantee rankings?

If the SEO company promises that they can get you to page 1 of Google, turn the other way and run. It is impossible to guarantee a number 1 ranking on any search engine, however, some SEO agencies and consultants have taken it upon themselves to make outlandish claims in order to secure client. As a business, you should consider a red flag if the SEO agency claims that they have an inside a relationship with Google all that they can guarantee you number one rankings within a certain period of time.

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